
NRC interview over promotieonderzoek naar moral injury en de rol van politieke besluitvorming en maatschappelijke percepties hierin (klik hier)
English: Interview about the stressors of war and moral injury, and about the ‘pleasures of war’ (click here)


NEMO Kennislink interview over morele verwonding in de oorlog in Oekraïne, met verdieping over ‘morele verwonding’ in relatie tot ‘post-traumatische stressstoornis’, en het ontstaan van beide begrippen (klik hier)
HUMAN Brainwash interview over vechten voor je land en het Nederlandse ongemak met de krijgsmacht (klik hier)

2024, May 22. Parliamentary questions posed about research to Minister of Defense. Kamervragen 2024, nr. 2024Z08730.
2024, October. Interviewed by Rosa Lee Szarzynski for Dat fatale moment. [That fatal moment.] Psychologie Magazine [Popular scientific magazine]. LINK
2024(12): 84-89. 2024, October 4. Interviewed by Bob van Huët and Fabio Yasamin for Waarom Poetin het woord oorlog niet gebruikt. [Why Putin does not use the word war.] Algemeen Dagblad [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2024, May 2. Interviewed by Dieuwertje Kuipers for Defensie stuurt special forces voor hungezondheid op cursus sjamanistisch ademhalen’ [Defense sends special forces for their health on a course of shamanistic breathing’]. Follow the Money [Magazine]. LINK (to online publication)
2024, April 22. Interviewed by Gerard ten Voorde for ‘Waardering Nederlander voor krijgsmacht stijgt, maar frontlinie blijft onaantrekkelijk’ [‘Appreciation of the Dutch military increases, but the frontline remains unappealing’]. Reformatorisch Dagblad [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2024. Interviewed by Hanna Gillissen about military humour. Sterker [magazine distributed to all military personnel], 2: 6-11. LINK (to online publication)
2024, March 22. Interviewed by Stefan Keukenkamp for ‘Defensie belangrijker dan ooit, maar we willen niet zomaar de loopgraven in’ [‘Defense is more important than ever, but we don’t want to just go into the trenches’]. Trouw [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2023, December 16. Interviewed by Stefan Keukenkamp for ‘Zwarte humor helpt militairen om te gaan met de dood’ [Black humor helps soldiers deal with death]. Trouw [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2023, October 10. Interviewed by Patrick Delait for ‘Oorlogsdeskundige over wreedheden in oorlog Israël-Hamas: “Dieren doen zoiets niet. Als de omstandigheden ernaar zijn is de mens tot alles in staat”’. De Limburger [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2023, Interviewed by Antonio de Lauri about ‘the joys of war’. WARFUN diaries, 2: 13-15. LINK (to online publication)
2023. Interviewed by Olof van Joolen and Niels Roelen about the impact of military deployments in: ‘Sporen’ [Traces]. [Non-fiction book]. LINK (to book)
2023, May. Interviewed by Geertje Kindermans for: ‘PTSS moet groeien’. [PTSD needs to grow’.] De Psycholoog [magazine] 2023(5): 24-32. LINK (to online publication)
2022, October 21. Interviewed by NOS for: ‘Leger Oekraïne stelselmatig onderschat, kracht Rusland overschat’ [‘Ukraine army consistently underestimated, Russia’s strength overestimated’]. NOS News. LINK (to online publication)
2022, October 3. Interviewed by Arend Hulshof for: Hoe Amnesty’s boodschap (voorkom burgerleed) verloren ging in de ophef. [How Amnesty’s message (prevent civilian suffering) was lost in the commotion.] Word Vervolgd [Magazine of Amnesty International]. LINK (to online publication)
2022, August 6. Interviewed by Ans Boersma for: Waarom de reputatie van ‘rockster’ Zelensky plots tanende is. [Why the ‘rock star’ reputation of Zelensky is suddenly waning.] De Morgen [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2022, August. Interviewed by Eric Bras for: ‘Ons verhaal zou meer moeten gaan over de tragische kant van de zaak’: In gesprek met Tine Molendijk. [Our story should be more about the tragic side of the matter’: In conversation with Tine Molendijk] Tijdschrift Geestelijke Verzorging [magazine] 107: 4-9. LINK (to online publication)
2022, July 5. Interviewed by Iris Hendriks for Zijn we nog bereid om te vechten voor eigen land?. [Are we still prepared to fight for our country?]. HUMAN Brainwash Special [Television program]. NPO 2. LINK (to online publication)
2022, June. Interviewed by Else de Jonge for: Het politieke instrument van een beschaafde natie. [The political instrument of a civilized nation.] WO2 Onderzoek uitgelicht [Online magazine] 11(3). LINK (to online publication)
2022, May 7. Interviewed by Mischa van Diepen for: Wereld houdt de adem in. [World holds breath.] De Telegraaf [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2022, April 14. Interviewed by Maarten Costerus for: Psychische gevolgen oorlog Oekraïne voor burger én militair „immens”. [Psychological consequences of war Ukraine for civilian and soldier ‘immense’.] Reformatorisch Dagblad [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2022, March 28. Interviewed by Pieternel Gruppen for: De eerste tekenen van ‘morele verwonding’ zijn al zichtbaar bij Russische soldaten [The First Signs of ‘Moral Injury’ are Already Visible in Russian soldiers.] Trouw [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2022, March 23. Interviewed by Lianne Tijhaar for: Oorlogstrauma zit niet alleen in je hoofd [War Trauma is not Just In Your Head.] NEMO Kennislink [Magazine]. LINK (to online publication)
2022, March 21. Interviewed by Maarten Dallinga for: Oekraïense burgers die schieten, lopen risico op trauma. [Ukrainian Civilians Who Fure at Risk of Trauma.] NRC [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2022, March 4. Interviewed by Karel Berkhout for: De steun voor de krijgsmacht groeit pas nu de nood hoog is. [Support for the armed forces is only growing now need is high.] NRC [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2021, October 5. Interviewed by Judith Harmsen for: ‘Morele verwonding’. [Moral Injury.] Trouw [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2021, September 6. Interviewed by Thibaut Renson for: ‘Vele Afghanistanveteranen kampenmet een trauma, maar weinigen zoeken hulp’. [‘Many Afghanistan Veterans Suffer from Trauma, But Few Seek Help’.] Nieuwsblad [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2021, August 22. Interviewed by Willem Feenstra for: ‘Alles lijkt voor niets geweest’. [‘Everything Seems to Have Been in Vain.] Volkskrant [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2021, August 19. Interviewed by Frederiek Weeda & Karel Berkhout for: ‘Afghanistanveteraan: “Diep in mijn hart denk ik: was nog twintig jaar gebleven”’. [‘Afghanistan veteran: “Deep in My Heart I Think: We Should Have Stayed Another Twenty Years’.] NRC [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2020. Interviewed by Floor Boon & Karel Berkhout in: ‘Drempel om te schieten was voor Nederlandse militairen in Uruzgan laag’. [‘Treshold to Fire was Low for Dutch Soldiers in Uruzgan’.] NRC [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2020. Interviewed by Bart Funnekotter in: Hoe een soldaat een moordenaar wordt. [How a Soldier Becomes a Murderer.] NRC [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication)
2020. Interviewed by Edo Beerda for: Morele verwonding: voorkomen is beter dan genezen. [Moral Injury: Prevention is Better than Cure.] NWO.
2020, November 19. Interview on NOS news website about War crimes by Australian special forces. www.nos.nl. LINK (to online publication)
2020. Interviewed by Kirsten Donders-Lindeboom for: Schuld, schaamte, boosheid, verraad. [Guilt, Shame, Anger, Betrayal.] Vandaag [Magazine], 5(3): 28-29.
2020, April 23. Parliamentary questions posed about PhD research on moral injury to Minister of Justice and Safety. Kamervragen 2020, nr. 28827742882774 . LINK
2020. Interviewed for Vaak morele verwonding bij uitgezonden militairen. [Often Moral Injury in Deployed Soldiers.] NedKAD [Centre of Excellence for Anxiety, Compulsion, Trauma and Depression]. LINK
2020. Interviewed by Suzanne de Winter in: Het Gesprek: met Tine Molendijk. [The Conversation: With Tine Molendijk.] Algemeen Dagblad [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication) | LINK 2 (to pdf)
2020. Interviewed by Willem Feenstra in: Onderzoeker: we moeten meer begrip hebben voor ‘morele verwondingen’ bij ex-militairen. [Researcher: We Need to Recognize ‘Moral Injuries’ in Ex-Soldiers.] De Volkskrant [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication) | LINK 2 (to pdf)
2020. Interviewed by Karel Berkhout in: Schuldgevoel en boosheid blijven militair kwellen. [Guilt and Anger Keep Tormenting Soldier.] NRC [Newspaper]. LINK (to online publication) | LINK 2 (to pdf)
2019. Interviewed by Mathijs Noij in: Tine Molendijk en morele verwonding. [Tine Molendijk and moral injury] Voxweb. LINK (to online publication) | LINK 2 (to pdf)
2019. ‘Nut van een missie? Wat een burgervraag’ [‘Point of a mission? Such a civvy question’] Checkpoint [National veterans magazine], 20(8).
2018. Interviewed by Anne Dirks in: ‘En, nog iemand doodgeschoten?’ De morele wonden van veteranen. [‘And, have you killed anyone?’ The Moral Injuries of Veterans.] Vrij Nederland [News magazine]. LINK 1 (to online publication) | LINK 2 (to pdf)
2018. Interviewed by Kim Noach in: ‘Fotograferen was mijn dagboek’. [‘Photography Was My Diary’]. De Limburger [Newspaper].
2017. Interviewed by Henri Lansink in: Moral Injury: Op zoek naar een nieuwe ‘gedeelde taal’. [Moral Injury: In Search of a New ‘Shared Language’.] Trivizier [Journal of the Dutch Military Trade Union], 1/2: 20-23. LINK (to pdf)